SchoolFront Support


Track Scores

Track Test Scores for Students

Once you have added types of test and associated scoring parameters, you can begin tracking student's scores in the system.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login as an administrator.

2. Go to Manage Students using the left navigation menu. The Student Management grid will open.

3. Locate the student for whom you would like to enter test scores.

4. Click the student to view their profile.

5. Click the Test Scores tab.

6. Click Add New Test Record. The Student Test Score Management window will open.

7. Fill in the information:

Field Description

Choose a test from the drop-down menu. If you do not see the test you need, you must add it to the system before you try to enter test scores.

Note: If the student takes a test more than once, do not overwrite the original test scores. Create a new test score for the student and enter a different "taken on date" and scores each time the student takes the test. Use the "transcript" checkbox to indicate which of the test scores should show up on the student's transcript.

Date Taken Enter the date on which the student took the test (note that the date is likely different than the date on which you are entering the score).
Notes Enter any notes. This is an optional field.
Grade Level Enter the grade level the student was in when they took the test.
Show On Transcript If you do not want this test listed on the student transcript, leave the checkbox blank. For instance if the student took the SAT twice and this score is lower than the other, you will only want the higher score appearing on the transcript.
Scores Enter the scores. If there are no score fields to enter scores into, you will need to go back to the test and add them the score types in the test definition.

8. Click the Insert button.

9. Once scores have been added to a student profile, any staff member can view them.