View Incidents

View, Edit, and Escalate Disciplinary Incidents in SchoolFront

In SchoolFront, a disciplinary incident can be logged when a student misbehaves and a teacher or administrator is required to take disciplinary action. The incidents can then be tracked through the disciplinary process and can be viewed by other school staff members.

Administrator users and teachers can add, view, edit, and escalate disciplinary incidents in SchoolFront.

Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Administrator
  • Teacher

Step-by-Step Instructions

View Disciplinary Incidents

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user or teacher.

2. Select the Discipline option from the left-hand navigation menu. The Discipline Incidents page will open.


3. On the Discipline Incidents page you can either browse through all incidents in the system by clicking through the pages using the page control, or you can use the drop-down menus at the top-right of the screen.

► To browse by flipping through the page, use the page buttons on the right-hand side of the screen.

page buttons

► To sort the incidents, use the drop-down menus in the top-right corner. You can choose to sort on one or all of the sorting fields including consequences, students, incident authors (the person who entered the incident into the system), categories, and incident statuses.

filter drop-down menus

Edit Disciplinary Incidents

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user or teacher.

2. Select the Discipline option from the left-hand navigation menu. The Discipline Incidents page will open.


3. Find the Discipline Incident that you would like to edit.
Note: If you do not know how to find your incident, see the instructions for viewing incidents.

4. Once you have located the incident, select the checkbox of the incident that you would like to edit.


5. On the Discipline Incidents page select the Edit option in the upper left-hand corner. The Discipline Incident Edit page will open.


6. Make the changes you wish to make to the incident on the Discipline Incident Edit page and then click Save to submit your changes to the system.

Escalate a Disciplinary Incident

If you have a student who does not show up when his or her consequences are scheduled (e.g. the student misbehaved and was given detention, but then did not show up for detention), then you can ENACT a Disciplinary Incident escalation. This means you will log another incident with additional consequences, which will be linked to the original incident. The student will then have to reap the consequences of both incidents before the Disciplinary Process is "closed" for the behavior for which they were originally penalized.

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user or teacher.

2. Select the Discipline option from the left-hand navigation menu. The Discipline Incidents page will open.


3. Find the Discipline Incident that you would like to escalate.
Note: If you do not know how to find your incident, see the instructions for viewing incidents.

4. Once you have located the incident, select the checkbox of the incident that you would like to escalate.


5. On the Discipline Incidents page select the Escalate option in the upper left-hand corner. The Discipline Incident Escalate page will open.

6. For the escalated incident, follow the instructions for adding a new incident, starting with step 5.

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