View Calendar

View the School Calendar

All users in SchoolFront can view the School Calendar for their school, but only administrator users can add, edit, or remove Calendar Events.

Note: If you are not an administrator user but would like to have an event added to the calendar or see an event on the calendar that should be changed or updated, contact one of your school's designated administrator users for help.

Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Administrator
  • Counselor
  • Parent Coordinator
  • Teacher

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login to SchoolFront using your username and password.

2. Click School Calendar. Your school's official school calendar will open.

calendar screen cap

3. The calendar days are color-coded. The Legend at the base of the calendar tells you if the day is a weekend, a day on which everyone is scheduled to be in school (staff and students), a day on which staff-only is in school (e.g. a training day), or a day on which there is no school (e.g. an official school holiday).

legend screen cap

3. You can use the Prev and Next links to navigate to the day(s) in which you are interested.

navigating the calendar

4. You can also use the Month drop-down menu to skip to a specific month. Choose a month and then click the Go button.

navigating the school calendar

5. Once you have located a date with an event in which you are interested, click the Event. A small pop-up will open with information about the event.

calendar event details

6. When you are done reading the Event Description, you can close the pop-up window by clicking on the X button in the upper right-hand corner of the small window.

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