Update Files on the Server

Update / Edit / Replace a File from Your SchoolFront Portal CMS Site

Step-by-Step Instructions

Update / Edit a File

If at some point you upload and use a file (such as an image file) in your site and then you wish to edit or update that file, you can do so by:

1. Download the original file used from the server.

2. Edit / Update the file (e.g. using image editing software such as Photoshop or Snag-it).

3. Save the edited / updated file on your computer using the exact same file name and file type.

Note: If you use a different file name or type, the file will not update.

4. Upload the edited / updated file to the server in the exact same location from which you downloaded the original file.

5. As long as the updated file is of the same format and name as the original and was uploaded to the same location as the original, it will override the original.

Replace a File

A similar process is used to replace one file with another file of the same format.

1. Save the replacement file on your computer using the exact same file name and file type as that of the file you wish to replace.

Note: If you use a different file name or type, the file will not be replaced.

2. Upload the replacement file to the server in the exact same location from which you downloaded the original file.

3. As long as the replacement file is of the same format and name as the original and was uploaded to the same location as the original, it will override the original.

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