SchoolFront Support


Student Information

Viewing Student Information From the Daily Planner

Teachers can use the Daily Planner dashboard to look at information for students in their classes.

Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Teacher Only

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login to SchoolFront as a teacher.

2. Select the Daily Planner option from the left-hand menu. The Daily Planner dashboard will open.

3. All of of your courses will appear at the top of the screen. Choose the course of the student who's information you would like to view.

info for student

5. In the Attendance section, you can view the Total Days Absent that the student has in the course to date.

total absenses

6. In the Attendance section, you can view the student's Grade Average in the course to date.

class average

7. In the Attendance section, you can click on the Student's Name to view the student's personal information in the system.

personal information

8. The student's information will appear in a separate window.

student information