Setup Discipline

Setup Discipline for the School

Before a school can really begin using the discipline management functionality in SchoolFront, an administrator must login and configure discipline for the school so that the content in the disciplinary form is appropriate for the school.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator

Step-by-Step Instructions

Turn Demerits On or Off

1. Go the Feature Administration section using the left navigation menu.

2. In the Discipline section click Feature Configuration. The Discipline Settings page will open.

3. Check the checkboxes that apply for your school:

Check Box Title Select if...
Enable Discipline You want to track disciplinary incidents in your school. Leaving this unchecked will hid the entire discipline section from all users. If you check it, the Discipline section will be visible and useable by school staff members.
Merits This functionality is currently under development.
Demerits You want to associate a number of demerits with each type of disciplinary incident. If your school does not leverage a demerit system, leave this checkbox blank.

4. Click the Save button.

Configure Incident Categories (and Demerits if Demerits are On)

"Discipline Category" is the term that SchoolFront uses to describe an infraction or type of infraction that a student could commit. Defining the types of infractions that could occur and tracking them as incident categories in SchoolFront makes it easier for the school to report on discipline. Some example Discipline Categories are: (1) Unexcused Absence, (2) Fighting, (3) Abusive Language.

Categories range from school to school and some schools granularize categorization more than others. SchoolFront allows you to define the categories your school will track.

If your school uses a Demerit System, demerits can also be associated with your Discipline Categories.

1. Go the Feature Administration section using the left navigation menu.

2. In the Discipline section click Discipline Incident Categories. The Manage Discipline Categories page will open.

3. Click New Discipline Category. The New Discipline Category form will open.

4. Fill in the information:

Field Description
Category Add a name for the category. This can by as high-level as "Unexcused Absence," or as low-level as "Unexcused Absence - 1st Violation." A school can track as many or as few categories as they desire.
Category Description Explain the situation in which the category should be applied (if it's obvious, you can just repeat the name of the category).
Max Demerit If your school uses demerits, enter the maximum number of demerits someone could be given for committing an infraction in this category.
Default Demerit If your school uses demerits, enter the default number of demerits someone is typically given for committing an infraction in this category. This is the number that will be entered in a new disciplinary incident created with this Category type. It can be overridden to any number of demerits at or below the maximum.

5. Click the Insert button.

Configure Disciplinary Consequences

Some schools have standard choices of consequences that can be applied when a student commits a disciplinary infraction. Consequences can include things like detention, suspension, Saturday school, demerits, Disciplinary Board Review, etc.

1. Go the Feature Administration section using the left navigation menu.

2. In the Discipline section click Discipline Consequences. The Manage Consequences page will open.

3. Click New Consequences. The New Consequences form will open.

4. Fill in the information:

Field Description
Consequence Add a name for the consequence. For example, "Detention."
Description Explain the consequence. For example, "Detention is held after school in a designated location. The student must report to the location immediately after school to be counted as present."

5. Click the Insert button.

Add Disciplinary Consequence Locations to the System

Sometimes consequences like detention, PT, or Saturday School must be completed by the student in a specific location. For instance they might have to report to Room 1000 for detention after school, or to the Track for PT. Consequences locations must be added to the system in the same way that other locations are added to the system, but they must be enabled for Discipline to be used as consequence locations.

  • Click here to see how to add a location such as a room (#200-B) or destination (e.g. playing field).

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