SchoolFront Support


Schedule Web-Parts / Content

Schedule Web-parts to Appear & Disappear from Pages

You can set web-parts to publish (appear) and un-publish (disappear) from a page on a specific date. This is handy if you want to post a temporary holiday greeting to your homepage or other temporary content. 

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Add the web-part to your page.

  2. Click the settings link on the web-part. The "feature instance settings" page will open. 

  3. At the bottom of the feature instance settings page, click the publishing link. 

  4. Find the page in the list (look for the green check-mark icon). 

  5. Click the green check-mark icon

  6. Enter a Publish Begin date and time.

  7. Enter a Publish End date and time. 

  8. Click the Update button.