SchoolFront Support


Online Help Instructions

Welcome to SchoolFront Online Help

This section of the SchoolFront Support Portal is designed to help users of all roles (teachers, administrators, parents, students, counselors, and mentors) get started using SchoolFront. 

Users of SchoolFront  Online Help can search help content or navigate through the content by topic and then by role, (e.g. “getting started” and then “teachers”).

Help content is written simply with easy-to-follow, often enumerated steps and includes multimedia content such as graphics and demonstration videos to support user comprehension where appropriate.

SchoolFront Management Information System (MIS) Help

Getting Started

The Getting Started Section of the SchoolFront Online Help includes all of the information users of a specific role (e.g. "teacher" or "parent," etc.) need to begin using the SchoolFront system.

Glossary of Terms

SchoolFront utilizes terminology with which you may not be familiar. New users should review the Glossary of Terms before beginning to use Online Help and/or the SchoolFront system.

School Staff Sections

These Online Help topics pertain specifically to portions of the SchoolFront system used by school staff--Administrator users, teachers, counselors, parent coordinators, and other staff.

School staff members who have already been through the Getting Started content and are trying to do something specific in the system or to understand a specific part of the system should look for answers here.

Parent/Student Sections

These Online Help topics pertain specifically to portions of the SchoolFront system used by parents and students.

Parents and students who have already been through the Getting Started content and are trying to do something specific in the system or to understand a specific part of the system should look for answers here.

SchoolFront Portal Content Management System (CMS) Help

Getting Started

The first few sections of the CMS Help are for all users--both administrators and page owners, they explain how SchoolFront Portal CMS works and the fundamentals of system usage.

CMS Administrator Sections

These Online Help topics pertain specifically to the portions of the SchoolFront Portal CMS used by system administrators.

If you are an administrator looking for help managing your school's SchoolFront CMS website, you should look for help here.

CMS Page Owner Sections

These Online Help topics pertain specifically to the portions of the SchoolFront Portal CMS used by web-page owners / content editors--i.e. those who manage the content on web-pages.

If you are a teacher or other school staff member who has been given control of one or more webpages in your school's SchoolFront Portal CMS website, you should look for help here.


SchoolFront Human Resources Management

Learn how to use SchoolFront's powerful human resources management functionality to maintain digital personnel folders and digitize many of your most paper-intensive, labor-intensive, and time consuming human resources processes and procedures.