Move Page Location

Move Page to a Different Location in Navigational Hierarchy

If you go to your CMS website's site map ( you will see that pages are arranged in a hierarchy with child/sub-pages appearing below parent pages.

After a page has been created, you can move that page to a different location in the hierarchy if you do not like the specific location to which it was initially added. 

Step-by-Step Instructions

Move Pages Up or Down in Hierarchy
  1. Go to the page for which you would like to change location. 

  2. Click the "Page Settings" button (located either at the very bottom or very top of the screen). 

  3. Click the link that says "Add/Edit Pages" (it's in the top part of the screen, but not in the very tip-top). 

  4. Locate the page you want to move in the list.

  5. Use the blue/purple up/down arrow icons to move the page in the hierarchy. 

Note: Pages only move up and down amongst other pages at the same hierarchical level. If a parent page moves, all associate child pages move with the parent.

Change the Parent of a Child Page

To change the parent page of a child: 

  1. Go to the page whose parent you want to change.

  2. Click the "Page Settings" button (located either at the very bottom or very top of the screen). 

  3. Click the "Browse" button/link next to the words "Managing Site Webpages."

  4. Click the page in the list that you want to be the parent page. 

  5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. 

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