SchoolFront Support


Student Medical Contacts

Lookup Student Health / Medical Contacts

If you have a student with a health emergency or need to find the contact information for a student's family members or emergency contacts, you can easily do so from the "Manage Health/Medical" section of SchoolFront.

Applicable System Roles

  • Medical

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Quickly Lookup Student Family Information
  1. Login with the Medical role.

  2. Click Manage Health/Medical in the left navigation menu.

  3. Locate the Student for whom you wish to log a health office visit and click the student to open his/her details below the grid.

  4. Click the Family Info tab in the student details area below the grid.

  5. All family members that have been entered into SchoolFront will appear in this list.

  • Quickly Lookup Student Emergency Contact Information
  1. Login with the Medical role.

  2. Click Manage Health/Medical in the left navigation menu.

  3. Locate the Student for whom you wish to log a health office visit and click the student to open his/her details below the grid.

  4. Click the Emergency Contacts tab in the student details area below the grid.

  5. All emergency contacts that have been entered into SchoolFront will appear in this list
    Note: These contacts may or may not be the same as the family members on the Family Info tab.


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