Manage RISE Levels

Manage the Levels Students Can Achieve in Your R.I.S.E. Program

Applicable System Roles

  • System Administrator

  • R.I.S.E. Administrator

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Login to SchoolFront.

  2. Go to the Feature Administration section in the left-hand vertical navigation menu.

  3. Under the section called RISE, click "Manage RISE Levels."

  4. Click the New RISE Level link.

  5. Enter a RISE Level Name such as "Orientation."

  6. Enter a RISE Level Description such as "Listens to staff and attempts to follow directions with prompting as needed. Follows major school rules and behaves in a safe manner with minimal prompting. Meets at least once a week with mentor at scheduled time."

  7. Click the Insert button.

  8. Repeat for all RISE Levels.


RISE Level Name

RISE Level Description


Listens to staff and attempts to follow directions with prompting as needed. Follows major school rules and behaves in a safe manner with minimal prompting. Meets at least once a week with mentor at scheduled time.

Level 2 (2, 2+)

Follows major school rules and behaves in a safe manner with minimal prompting. With prompting as required, follows all rules. Meets at least once a week with mentor at scheduled time. Knowledge of Level 2 responsibilities.

Level 3 (3, 32, 33, 34)

Follows major school rules and behaves in a safe manner with minimal prompting. Cares for room, clothing and personal hygiene to the best of his/her ability with prompting as needed. Completes homework to best of his/her ability with prompting as required. Follows all additional rules with prompting as required. Demonstrates decreasing need for prompting in above items as he/she progresses to the next sub-level. Meets at least once a week with mentor at scheduled time. Knowledge of Level 3 responsibilities.

Level 4

Knows and meets his/her responsibilities with minimal redirecting by staff. Meets with mentor at scheduled times. Knowledge of Level 4 responsibilities.

Contract Level

See page 35

Contract+ Level

See page 35


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