SchoolFront Support


Import Student Academic Information

Import Student Academic Information Using ExcelTM

There are lots of times when entering information into a web application becomes tedious and frustrating. It's most troublesome when you have a lot of information to get in all at once, such as when you first begin using SchoolFront or at the start of a new school year after you've had a chance to do some data cleansing and wish to see your database cleansed in suit.

SchoolFront allows you to use Excel to capture data, make mass edits, and upload new/edited data without manually data entry into forms.

This functionality is also beneficial when a student transfers into your school from another school and you need to get all of his or her past grades,  assessment scores, and personal information into the system without the frustration of manual data entry.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator Only

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Ensure that Student Profile(s) are Already in the System
  2. Import Student Historical Grades
  3. Import Student Assessment / Test Scores
  4. Import Student Emergency Contacts
  5. Import Historical Student Attendance Information