Historical Illnesses & Injury Types

Configure the Historical Illnesses & Injury Types That Will Be Tracked by Your School

Virtually any illness or injury can be tracked as part of a student's medical history. You can track these illnesses and injuries in as many or as few categories / types as you desire. You will be able to query on these illness and injuries, so really think about the types that make sense for your school.

For example, before a field trip to play paint-ball you may want to run a query to identify all students who have had orthopedic surgery in the last year. If you have a type for "orthopedic surgery," you will be able to query on it.

Example Historical Illness & Injury Types

Other examples:

History Type Name History Type Description
Allergies (Life Threatening) Student has been diagnosed with a life threatening allergy to food, insects, or other stimulants.
Allergies (Non-Life Threatening) Student has been diagnosed with allergies.
Anorexia/Bulimia Student has been diagnosed with or treated for issues involving anorexia, bulimia, or another eating disorder
Appendicitis Student has suffered from an affliction of the appendix.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Student has been diagnosed with ADHD or another attention deficit or hyperactivity related disorder.
Blood Disorder Student has suffered from a blood related disease or disorder.
Broken Bone Student has suffered a break or crack in a specific bone.
Cancer Student has been diagnosed with Cancer.
Chickenpox Student has had chicken pox.
Dermatological Issues Student has suffered from a skin condition or disease.
Diabetes Student has been diagnosed with diabetes.
Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder Student has been diagnosed with epilepsy or a seizure disorder.
Heart Disease Student has suffered from a heart related condition or disease.
HIV Infection Student has been infected by HIV.
Major Surgery Student underwent anesthsia for a major surgery.
Mental Disease/Disorder Student has been diagnosed with a mental disease or disorder.
Pulmonary Disease Student has suffered from a lung related condition or disease.
Tumors / Growths Student has undiagnosed or benign tumors or growths. 


Applicable System Roles

  • Administrators

Step-by-Step Instructions

To add or edit Historical Illness/Injuries for your school, follow these steps:

  1. Login as an administrator.

  2. Click Feature Administration in the left vertical navigation menu.

  3. In the section called "Health/Medical" click Historical Illness/Injuries.

  4. Click the "New Health History Type" link.

  5. Enter a History Type Name. For example "Allergies (Life Threatening)" or "Allergies (Non-Life Threatening)."

  6. Enter a History Type Description--describe the history type.

  7. Click the Insert button.


Click Here to Configure Other Medical Management Settings.

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