Homework List

View Student Homework List for Next 7 Days in SchoolFront


The Homework section allows parents/guardians, students and mentors to see all homework for all courses that is due in the next 7 days (i.e. all homework due from the date selected by the user to 7 days later).

Having this information allows students to proactively manage and prioritize assigned work so that they complete it and turn it in on time.

It helps parents/guardians and mentors encourage proactive management of work and help to ensure that their child does not fall behind.


Note: Included in this list are all assignments entered by one of the student's teachers into the system with a due date that differs from the assigned date. This means that teachers can assign at-home studying for a test by adding the test to the system on one date and making it due on a different date (i.e. the test will be taken in class, but studying for the test is homework).

Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Parent/Guardian for Each Child
  • Student for Self

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login to SchoolFront.

2. If you are a parent/guardian with more than one child, ensure that the child who's homework you wish to view is selected from the drop-down menu.
Note: Students can skip this step. 

choose child

3. Select Homework from the left navigation menu.

homework view

4. Choose a day from the drop-down menu.

select date

5. Any homework that is due from the date you selected to 7-days later will be listed.

homework list

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