SchoolFront Support


School Grade Curve

Map Grades to Score Ranges

The SchoolFront gradebook produces letter grades for students by calculating a numeric grade from the scores students receive on coursework and matching this calculated numeric value to the letter grade defined in the system for the school. The following is an example of how you could configure the grade curve for High School students. This example uses "A, B, C, etc." to depict proficiency levels, but you may use something different.

In this example, if the gradebook calculated a 91 for a student based on the average grades of all of the student's coursework, the student would receive an A-.

High Score Low Score Letter Grade
100 98 A+
97 93 A
92 90 A-
89 88 B+
87 83 B
82 80 B-
79 78 C+
77 73 C
72 70 C-
69 68 D+
67 66 D
65 64 D-
63 0 F


Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Administrator Users Only

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Log into SchoolFront as an Administrator user.

2. In the left navigation bar, place your mouse on Feature Administration, then Feature Administration page will appear.

3. Click Default Grade Curve in the Grading section.

4. Enter appropriate score ranges for each grade you added to the system (if you have not yet added grades to the system, click here for instructions).

5. Click the Save button.