SchoolFront Support


Filter Records

Filter Records in Data Grids

You can refine the number of records displayed to only the ones containing specific data using a filter. Filter icons appear below the field names in data grids.

If you click the filter icon below a field name, the filter dialog will appear with a list of filtering options.

Clear Filter

Choose the "Clear Filter" option to clear any filter that you configured and show all records. This is useful if you create a filter and then do not need it anymore and want to see all records or if you create a filter and it doesn't yield the record(s) you desired and you want to start over with all the records.

Filter Options

You can apply filters on multiple columns in a data grid to whittle records down to exactly those you wish to see. Column filters in a given data grid depend on the type of data in each column. The filter options for data types are detailed below. Data types include:

  • Boolean - Examples = True, False
  • Date / Time - Examples = 02/10/1981, 11/09/2010
  • Numeric - Examples = 1, 400, 7900, 3.4
  • Text - Examples = "cat" and "The cat ran to the supermarket fast!"
Boolean Columns

The following Boolean filters can be applied to columns with Boolean data. In the filter explanations below, the term "provided value" refers to the value that you yourself must enter as filter criteria.

Note: Columns default to “Show All” if a filter is not applied, displaying all records.

  • True - Filter to include only records that contain "true" in the column. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as the value "true" will automatically be used for the filter criteria. 
    • Example: You are viewing the Staff Management grid and only want to see records for staff members who are Administrator Users in SchoolFront. You can apply the "True" filter to the Admin column and only staff members who have the Admin role in SchoolFront will display.
  • False - Filter to include only records that contain "false" in the column. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as the value "false" will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
    • Example: You are viewing the Staff Management grid and only want to see records for staff members who are not Counselors. You can apply the "False" filter to the Counselor column and only staff members who are not Counselors in SchoolFront will display.

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Date / Time Columns

The following Date / Time filters can be applied to columns with Data / Time data. In the filter explanations below, the term "provided value" refers to the value that you yourself must enter as filter criteria.

Note: Columns default to “Show All” if a filter is not applied, displaying all records.

  • Equals – Filter to include only records that contain a specific date in the column. In this case the "provided value" you type must be a date.
  • Before – Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls before today’s date. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as today's date will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • After – Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls after today’s date. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as today's date will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Tomorrow – Filter to include only records that contain a date that equals tomorrow's date. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as tomorrow's date will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Today – Filter to include only records that contain today’s exact date. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as today's date will automatically be used for the filter criteria. 
  • Yesterday – Filter to include only records that contain yesterday’s date. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as yesterday's date will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Next Week – Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in next week’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range upcoming week will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • This Week - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in this week’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range current week will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Last Week - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in last week’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range previous week will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Next Month - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in next month’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the upcoming month will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • This Month - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in this month’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the current month will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Last Month - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in last month’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the previous month will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Next Quarter - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in next quarter’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the upcoming quarter will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • This Quarter - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in this quarter’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the current quarter will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Last Quarter - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in last quarter’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the previous quarter will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Next Year - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in next year’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the upcoming year will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • This Year - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in this year’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the current year will automatically be used for the filter criteria.
  • Last Year - Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls in last year’s date range. In this case you do not have to provide any filter criteria yourself, as all dates falling in the range of the previous year will automatically be used for the filter criteria.  
  • Year-to-date – Filter to include only records that contain a date that falls into the Year-To-Date date range. as all dates falling between today's date and the first day of the year will automatically be used for the filter criteria.

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Numeric Columns

The following Numeric filters can be applied to columns with numeric data. In the filter explanations below, the term "provided value" refers to the value that you yourself must enter as filter criteria.

Note: Columns default to “Show All” if a filter is not applied, displaying all records.  

  • Equals – Filter to include only records that contain the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be very specific and complete. The term "equal" means "exact match," so if you mistype or leave a numeral out, the filter will not find any records.
    • Example: You are in the Student section and want to see the records for only students in Grade 10. To quickly see only Grade 10 students, select the filter icon under the "Grade Level" field, then select "Equals." Type in "10." All records with "10" entered as the student's grade level will display. All other records will disappear.
  • Does Not Equal – Filter to include only records that do not equal the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be very specific and complete. The term "equal" means "exact match," so if you mistype or leave a numeral out, the filter will not work properly.
    • Example: You are in Student section and you only want to see students who have missed a class. To exclude students with perfect attendance, select the filter icon under the "# Absences" field, then select "Does Not Equal." Type in "0." All student records that have 0 absences logged will disappear and those with anything other than 0 will remain.
  • Greater Than – Filter to include only records that are greater than the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be less than the value(s) of the record(s) you want to see when the filter is applied.
    • Example: You want to have a meeting with school staff to discuss what to do about students displaying a pattern of truancy. To quickly get a list of such students you can filter records in the Student section by the field "# Absences" greater than 5 (or whatever number of absences constitute a pattern).
  • Greater Than Or Equal To – Filter to include only records that are greater than or equal to the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be the same as or less than the value(s) of the record(s) you want to see when the filter is applied.
    • Example: You want to recognize staff members who go above and beyond the call of duty by taking on extra courses or other responsibilities like study hall by giving them a movie theater gift certificate. To view only the staff members with the biggest workload, you could apply the "Greater Than or Equal To" filter in the Staff section on the field called "Course Count" and type in "8." Then all teachers who have 8 or more courses will display and you can use the filtered list to distribute your reward.
  • Less Than – Filter to include only records that are less than the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be greater than the value(s) of the record(s) you want to see when the filter is applied.
    • Example: You want to recognize students with good conduct and zero disciplinary incidents. To view only students with perfect or almost perfect conduct, you could apply the "Less Than" filter in the Student section on the field called "# Discipline Incidents" and type in "2." Then all students with less than 2 (i.e. no more than 1) disciplinary incidents will display. You can use the filtered list to distribute good conduct certificates.
  • Less Than Or Equal To –  Filter to include only records that are less than or equal to the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be the same as or greater than the value(s) of the record(s) you want to see when the filter is applied.
    • Example: You need a staff member to supervise a student activity, but you don't want to overburden anyone who already has a very large course load for the semester. To whittle down your options, you could apply the "Less Than or Equal To" filter in the Staff section on the field called "Course Count" and type in "5." Then all teachers who have 5 or less courses will display and you can use the filtered list to make a decision.

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Text Columns

The following Tex filters can be applied to columns with free text data. In the filter explanations below, the term "provided value" refers to the value that you yourself must enter as filter criteria.

Note: Columns default to “Show All” if a filter is not applied, displaying all records.

  • Equals – Filter to include only records that completely equal the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be very specific and complete. The term "equal" means "exact match," so if you mistype, misspell, or leave anything (including punctuation) out, the filter will not find any records. If you do not know exactly what you are looking for, the "Contains" filter may be a better choice for filtering using less rigid criteria.
    • Example: You are in the Discipline section of the application and want to see all disciplinary records logged for a student named "Ben Affleck." To quickly see all of Ben's records, select the filter icon under the "Student ID" field, then select "Equals." Type in Ben Affleck's complete, unique Student ID and click enter. All records with Ben's complete ID as you typed it will display. All other records will disappear. 
  • Does Not Equal – Filter to include only records that do not equal the provided value. The term "equal" means "exact match," so if you mistype, misspell, or leave anything (including punctuation) out, the filter will not work properly. If you do not know exactly what you are trying to exempt from display, the "Does Not Contain" filter may be a better choice for filtering using less rigid criteria.
  • Begins With – Filter to include only records that begin with the provided value.  In this case the "provided value" you type must be the exact content used in the start of the value entry.
    • Example: If you want to see all science courses in the Course Management data grid, you could use "Begins With" to filter the Course ID column on all Course IDs beginning with the value of "SCI." Records that would return include SCI101, SCI02, SCI200, SCI300, etc. because the Course IDs begin with the provided value of "SCI." A Course ID that starts with "COMPSCI" would be excluded because it begins with "COMP."
  • Ends With – Filter to include only records that end with the provided value.  In this case the "provided value" you type must be the exact content used in the end of the value entry.
    • Example: If you want to see all entry level courses in the Course Management data grid, you could use "Ends With" to filter the Course ID column on all Course IDs ending with the value of "101." Records that would return include ENG101, MATH101, SCI101, PHYS101, etc., these IDs end with the provided value of "101."
  • Contains – Filter to include only records that contain the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be a word, phrase, or character(s) used in the value entry.
    • Example: If you wanted to see all students in the Student Management data grid with an allergy, you could use the "Contains" filter on the Medical Alerts column with the value of "allerg" so that it will display all student records with the terms "allergies, allergy, and allergic" in the Medical Alert column.
  • Does Not Contain – Filter to include only records that do not contain the provided value. In this case the "provided value" you type must be a word, phrase, or character(s) that is missing in the value entry.
    • Example: If you wanted to see all students who do not have an email address in the system, you could use the "Does Not Contain" filter on the Email Address column with the value of "@" so that it will only show records that do not have "@." In this column. Since "@" is required in all email addresses, you will only see student records that do not have email addresses.

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