SchoolFront Support


File Categories

Define File Categories in SchoolFront

All files that are uploaded to a student profile (academic record) will be associated with a standard file category defined by your school. File categories allow you to more-easily locate a file if a student has many files uploaded to his or her student profile.

For example, you could create a file category in the system called "admissions," then upload admissions-related files to the student profile associated with that category. Then later, when you want to find an admissions-related document, you can sort all files in the student record on "admissions" and see just admissions-related files.

You must define File Categories in SchoolFront before you can upload files to student profiles.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Log into SchoolFront as an Administrator user.

2. Click Feature Administration in the left-navigation menu.

3. In the Students area, click Student File Categories. The Student File Categories page will open.

4. Click New File Categories. A form will open.

5. Enter the File Category Name.

6. Enter the File Category Description.

7. Click the Insert button. The file category you defined will be added to the system.

File Category Examples

Here are some examples of file categories you might want to use:

File Category Name File Category Description
Admissions Files from the Admissions Process
Attendance Files Associated with Student Attendance
Health / Wellness Files Associated w/ Student Health
IEP Files Associated with Individual Education Programs (IEPs)
Other Files Not Fitting into Other Categories
Parent / Family Communication Files Associated w/ Parent/Guardian (or other Family Member) Communication
Permission Slips / Docs Files Associated with the Granting of Permission for an Event/Activity
Student Testing / Assessment Files associated w/ Student Tests and Assessments

Again, these are just some examples/ideas for you to consider. You can create any categories that make sense for you school.

Alternatively, if you want to upload and store digital files in student profiles, but you don't want to use File Categories for easier sorting of files, you can create a single category called "File."


  • Go to Next Step: Upload and Track a Digital File in the Student Profile (Academic Record)