SchoolFront Support


Enable / Disable Human Resources

Turn-On / -Off Human Resources Functionality in SchoolFront

The human resources functionality in SchoolFront is optional for schools and districts and can be turned-on and -off (i.e. it can be made accessible or hidden). To enable / disable the Human Resources functionality, follow these steps.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator Only

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login to SchoolFront. 

2. Click Feature Administration in the left-hand green vertical navigation menu. 

3. In the section called Human Resources click Settings

4. If you want to view/access/turn-on/enable Human Resources functionality, check the checkbox that says Enabled.

- or - 

    If you want to hide/remove access/turn-off/disable Human Resources functionality, un-check the checkbox that says Enabled.

Return to Main Human Resources Page