SchoolFront Support


Edit Tests

Edit or Delete Tests from the System

Tests can be edited or deleted by an administrator after they have been added to the system.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator

Step-by-Step Instructions

Edit or Delete a Whole Test in the System

1. Login as an administrator.

2. Go to the Feature Administration section using the left navigation menu.

3. In the Lists section, click Tests.

4. The Test Management Section will open.

5. Find the Test you wish to edit or delete in the list and click it to view it.

6. Click edit or delete.

7. If you are editing the test, make sure you click the save button to save the changes you made.

Add/Edit/Delete a Test Score from a Test in the System

Using your administrator role, you yourself can add/edit/delete both Tests and Test Scores in the system whenever necessary without any help.

To add/edit/delete any test scores associated with a test in the system:

1. Login to SchoolFront using your administrator role.

2. Click Feature Administration in the green menu on the left side of your screen. The “SchoolFront Feature Administration” page will open.

3. In the section called Tests, click the link called Tests. The “Test Management” page will open.

4. Click the Test in the list to open its details below the grid.

5. Click the Test Scores tab. A list of all of the currently configured ACT test scores appears in the grid on this tab.

6. Click the New Test Score link located next to the little green “plus” icon to add an additional score.

7. Click the Pencil (edit) icon to edit an existing score.

8. Click the Red X (delete) icon to delete an existing score.

Once you have completed these steps, the changes you made to the field(s) associated with the scores for the test will appear when you log scores for students.