SchoolFront Support


Edit Page Settings

Make Changes to Page Settings on a Specific Webpage in Your Site

This section explains how to make changes to page settings. This includes settings like the name of your page, whether or not breadcrumbs are displayed, etc. 

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Go to the page on which you would like to change page settings. 

  2. Click the "Page Settings" button (located either at the very bottom or very top of the screen). 

  3. Make all of the changes you desire to the page settings: 

    • Edit the "Page Name:

      Important: Page names should be succinct and descriptive. Page names are what appear as links in search engines. The CMS will use the page name you enter to auto-generate a friendly URL. We suggest you keep the page name short and clear. 

    • "Page Title Override" will change the name of the page in the menus in the website. If you want the name of the page as it appear in search engines to be different than the name in the menus (e.g. because you want one to be longer or shorter than the other) you can enter the alternative title in this field. If you want all titles to be the same. Leave the field blank. 

    • The "URL" will auto generate after you edit the "Page Name." The auto-generated URL will be created based on the page name you specified and will be optimized for search engine recognition. If a URL does not automatically out of the field and give it a moment to register. 

    • Check the appropriate checkboxes:

      • Allow Browser Caching: Allowing the browser to cache pages can improve performance. If the page content is dynamic or changes frequently it may be best not to allow caching.

      • Include in Menu:  If you don't want the page to be shown in the menu, you can uncheck this setting. It does not prevent the page from being viewed if the user visits the URL for the page, it just leaves it out of the menu.

      • Include in Site Map:  You generally should leave this checked so that all pages show up in the site map. The site map is filtered by roles already, that is, users only see pages if they are in a role that can view the page. The main reason for this settings is to make it possible to include pages in the site map even if they are not included in the menu.

      • Expand On Site Map: 

        If checked and if the page has child pages, then the child pages will be expanded, or if unchecked they will be collapsed on the Treeview menu on the Site Map page. 

        Important: Un-checking this setting only works if your Site Map is configured to show the expand and collapse nodes in the file of your skin like this:

        <portal:mojoTreeView runat="server" SkinID="SiteMapPage"

        If that setting is false it does not apply and the site map is always fully expanded. In most skins it is false by default which makes the site map fully expanded. For small to mid size sites, it is probably best to leave the entire site map expanded, however if your site has a very large hierarchy (hundreds or thousands of pages for example) it can be beneficial to not have the site map fully expanded.

      • Include In Child Pages Site Map: Un-check this box if you do not want this page shown in the child pages site map of it's parent page. This setting only applies to pages that are child pages below another page.

      • Is Draft: You can mark a new page as a draft if it has only draft content on it. This will make it only appear in the menu for users in the Draft Edit Roles and roles that can approve the content.

      • Show Breadcrumbs:  Bread crumbs help a user to see where they are in the site. It is mostly useful on pages below the root level pages.

      • Show Child Page Breadcrumbs:  Adds a crumb for the home page to the breadcrumbs. Only applies if "Show Breadcrumbs" is enabled. Generally you would not want to enable this on your home page since it already will show in the breadcrumbs.

      • Show Home Page Crumb:  Adds a crumb for the home page to the breadcrumbs. Only applies if "Show Breadcrumbs" is enabled. Generally you would not want to enable this on your home page since it already will show in the breadcrumbs.

      • Open In New Window:  It is recommended not to open pages in a new window unless you have a real good reason for doing so. Generally it is considered a better user experience if the user remains in control. If pages open in new windows unexpectedly it can be disconcerting for users. If a user wants to open a page in a new window, all browsers support this by right clicking a link, so its best to leave that up to the user.

      • Show Child Pages Site Map:  If your page is mainly a container for other pages and has no content of its own, it's often good to show a site map of pages beneath the container page when the container page is clicked/visited.

      • Hide Main Menu: This will hide the page from the main menu but allow it to show in sub-page menus. 

      • Hide This Page From Authenticated Users: Sometimes you may have some content that is meant to be visible ony to anonymous visitors. This settings makes it possible to remove the page from the menu when the user is signed into the site.

        Note: This is not a security setting, it does not protect the page, it is only a cosmetic setting for hiding pages. If you want to secure the page you should set the View Roles under the Security tab to not allow "All Users". Pages protected by roles also do not appear in the menu unless the user is in one of the allowed roles. A page that is simply marked as hidden can still be accessed directly or from search results.

      • Enable Comments: If you enable comments, then a comments section will be added to the bottom of the center column. Currently only IntenseDebate and Disqus comment systems are implemented. In a future version of mojoPortal CMS we will have an internal comment system as well. Actually there are some issues with Disqus (your mileage may vary) so IntenseDebate is recommended.

        In order for comments to work, you have to have an IntenseDebate Account Id entered in Site Settings under API Keys or a Disqus Short Site Name.

  4. When you are done specifying settings for the page, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.