Configure Age of Eligibility

Configure the Age at Which Students in Your Database Become Potential Donors

One of the nice things about the SchoolFront system is integration. Users (staff, students, and family members) added to one part of the system are available for usage / reference in other parts of the system without duplicate data entry and with one user record to maintain.

This includes integration between the fundraising features and the rest of the system where parent, staff, and student data is stored. While the public at large offer fundraising opportunities, your current system users are also constitute a pool of potential donors for current and future campaigns.

Parents and Staff are automatically added to your donor pool, but SchoolFront is a PK-12 system so often students are too young to legally contact and/or don't represent a monetarily rewarding target group until they become a certain age. This age is configurable in SchoolFront.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Click Feature Administration in the green left navigation menu.

2. In the section labeled Development click Settings.

3. Enter a value (i.e. age in years) in the field called Age Students are Eligible Donors.

4. Click the Save button.


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