SchoolFront Support


Define Tests

Define School / District Standardized Tests & Scoring Parameters

Before entering test scores for an individual student, create new tests that are available to all the schools on your system. If the test already exists on your system, you can edit test information, such as its description or the sort order of test scores.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Login as an administrator.

2. Go to the Feature Administration section using the left navigation menu.

3. In the Lists section, click Tests.

4. The Test Management Section will open.

5. Click New Test. The new test form will open.

6. Fill in the information in the form.

7. Click the Insert button.

8. Click the Test Scores Tab.

9. Click New Test Score. The Test Score Management window will open.

10. Fill in the information:

Field Name Description
Score Name Enter the name of the score. For example, if you are creating score to go with the SAT you may have a "Math" score and a "Critical Reading" score, etc.
Score Description Enter a description of the score so that the person entering the scores for a student knows they are putting the right score in the location.
Score Type

Choose from the following: Integer, Decimal, or Text.

  • You will use "integer" when the score entered must be a whole number.
  • You will use "decimal" if the score entered may have an integer with a decimal place.
  • Use "text" if the score is something like "pass" or "fail."
Min Value If you chose "Integer" or "Decimal" as the Score Type, you can enter a minimum value here. People entering student scores will not be able to put anything below the minimum into the score. For example if possible scores are 1, 2, 3, and 4, you can put a 1 here and someone entering a score will not be permitted to enter a zero.
Max Value If you chose "Integer" or "Decimal" as the Score Type, you can enter a maximum value here. People entering student scores will not be able to put anything above the maximum into the score. For example if possible scores are 1, 2, 3, and 4, you can put a 4 here and someone entering a score will not be permitted to enter a 5 or other number above a 4.

11. Click the Insert button.

12. Repeat steps 9 to 11 for all scores associated with the test.

12. Now you can enter student test scores for this test.