SchoolFront Support


Days & Periods

Define the School / District Scheduling Framework

Before you can associate course sections with a day and time you must create periods which will then, themselves, be associated with days and periods--The framework for scheduling and student enrollment.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator

Step-by-Step Instructions

Define Course Periods

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user.

2. Click Feature Administration in the left navigation menu. The Feature Administration page will open.

3. Then click in the Scheduling section, click Class Periods. The Period Management section will open.

4. Click New Period. The new period form will open.

5. Fill in the information:

Field Name Description
Period Name Name the Period. For example, "Period 1."
Abbreviation Provide a simple abbreviation for the period that others will recognize. For example, "P1."
Display Order Choose the order in which the Period should appear in the list.

6. Click the Insert button.

Edit or Delete Course Periods

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user.

2. Click Feature Administration in the left navigation menu. The Feature Administration page will open.

3. Then click in the Scheduling section, click Class Periods. The Period Management section will open.

4. Find the Period in the list which you want to edit or delete and click it to view it.

6. Click the edit or delete button.

7. If you are editing, remember to click the save button before you leave the page to save the changes you made.

Define Scheduling Days

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user.

2. Click Feature Administration in the left navigation menu. The Feature Administration page will open.

3. Then click in the Scheduling section, click Scheduling Days. The Scheduling Day Management section will open.

4. Click New Day. The new day form will open.

5. Fill in the information:

Field Name Description
Day Name Provide a name for the day, for example "Day 1" or "A-Day."
Description Describe the day.

6. Click the Insert button.

7. Click Schedule Builder.

8. Fill in Start and End times for each period in the day.

Edit Scheduling Days

1. Login to SchoolFront as an administrator user.

2. Click Feature Administration in the left navigation menu. The Feature Administration page will open.

3. Then click in the Scheduling section, click Scheduling Days. The Scheduling Day Management section will open.

4. Find that day you'd like to edit or delete and click on it to view it.

5. Click edit, delete, or schedule builder.

6. If you edit or make changes in the schedule builder, make sure you click the save button to save the changes.