SchoolFront Support


Course Attendance

Course / Section Attendance in SchoolFront

The Attendance page can be used by teachers to get a quick visual summary of the attendance status of all students in a course that have been logged in the system for a specified marking period.

It can also be used by the teacher to quickly record the attendance status for several students for several days (e.g. if a teacher has been out of class and a substitute teacher has been taking attendance outside of SchoolFront).

Select the action that you would like to take from the list below.

Applicable System Roles

  • Teachers

Step-by-Step Instructions

See a Visual Summary of Student Attendance for a Course

1. Login to SchoolFront as a teacher.

2. Select Attendance from the left hand navigation menu. The Attendance page will open.


3. Choose the Course you want to view.

choose course

4. Choose the Marking Period you want to view.

marking period

5. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to view student attendance for the course and marking period you specified.
Note: Absences, both excused and non-excused will appear in red. Late arrivals will appear in gold.


Log Student Course Attendance in the System

Note: Attendance can be taken in several different ways in SchoolFront to accommodate the needs and styles of all teachers, including from the Attendance page (steps described below), from the Daily Planner, and from the Course Seating Chart.

1. Follow instructions for viewing a summary of student attendance (above).

2. Click on the Date that you wish to enter attendance. Editable attendance fields will open.


3. Use the drop-down menus to choose the appropriate attendance status for each student.


Status Code Meaning
P Present
A Absent
AE Absent Excused
OSS Out of School Suspension
L+Minutes Late + the number of minutes late

Note: Teachers do not define the Late options available in the system. The number of Late options in the system and the Late Increments of time (e.g. "late 5 mins" = L005) are defined by the school's designated administrator users when the school first begins using the SchoolFront system.

Note: Sometimes an administrator may pre-submit attendance for a child who they know will be missing from class for a specific reason (e.g. going to the doctor or on a field trip). In the event that attendance has been pre-submitted for a child in your class, you will see the attendance status instead of a drop-down menu, and you will not be able to change the status. You can still take attendance as normal for all other students in the class.

4. Click the Update button to save your changes.

update button

5. Repeat as necessary for all days on which you would like to log student attendance.

Export Student Attendance Record for a Course

1. Follow instructions for viewing a summary of student attendance (above).

2. Click the Export Attendance link.


3. Open or save the Microsoft Excelâ„¢ file.
