SchoolFront Support


Configure Campaign Types

Define Campaign Types (Appeal Types) in SchoolFront


Usage Examples

Campaign Type Name Campaign Type Description
Meal Campaign included the purchase of a meal such as a brunch, luncheon, or dinner. 
Raffle Campaign included the sale of raffle tickets. 
Auction Fundraising conducted at an auction type event. 
Music Event Fundraising conducted at a music event (e.g. orchestral, voice, choir, etc.). 
Car Wash Campaign included a car wash fundraiser. 
Gift Wrap Sale Campaign included the sale of gift wrap. 
Tasting Fundraising conducted at a tasting event (e.g. wine, food, dessert, etc.). 
Can Drive Campaign included the collection and return of aluminum cans. 
Postal Mail Campaign primarily included distribution of donor communication via postal mail. 
Cocktail Hour Fundraising conducted at a cocktail hour / reception. 
Casino Night Fundraising conducted at a casino night event. 
Athletic Event Fundraising conducted at an athletic event. 
Email Campaign primarily included distribution of donor communication via email. 
Candy Sale Campaign included the sale of candy. 
Theater Event Fundraising conducted at a theatrical event. 
Bake Sale Campaign included sale of baked goods. 
Speaker Campaign included sale of tickets to see a speaker.

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