Attendance Administration

Attendance Workflow Management and Administration

SchoolFront  supports attendance work-flows for a schools and districts requiring attendance administration.

Select the action that you would like to take from the list below.

Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Administrators
Monitoring Attendance Status

Each period in the day an attendance administrator is able to see if and when each teacher has submitted attendance as well as the attendance submitted so that he or she can investigate if a student is late or missing from class.

1. Login as an administrator.

2. Place your cursor over Attendance in the left navigation menu. A sub-menu will appear.

3. Click View Course Daily Attendance from the sub-menu.

4. Use the Date filters at the top of the grid to see the day(s) you wish to view.

5. Filter on the Period column to reduce the records to only the ones you want to view.

5. Look in the Status column to see who has and has not completed attendance.

Send Easy Attendance Reminders

In the event that a teacher does not submit attendance in a timely manner, an administrator can easily send a reminder to the teacher.

1. Follow the steps to monitor attendance status for a course during a period.

2. If you notice that a teacher has not submitted attendance and you want to send them a reminder you can do so using the mail icon in the grid next to the Status column.

3. Click on the envelope icon and an email will open, pre-filled with the information required to email the teacher. 

4. Send the email as you would any email.

Pre-Submit Attendance

In the event that the attendance administrator is pre-notified of a student's lateness or absence, the system supports pre-submission of attendance by the administrator (e.g. if the student is in the infirmary and the administrator is notified before a class begins).

1. Login as an administrator.

2. Go to Manage Students using the left navigation menu.

3. Use the filters in the data grid to locate the student for whom you would like to pre-submit attendance.

4. Click the student to view the student details.

5. Click the Attendance tab to pre-submit attendance.

6. Set the filters to encompass the date(s) for which you would like to pre-submit attendance.

7. Click the pencil icon on each attendance instance which you would like to pre-submit.

8. Set the status in the pop-up window.

9. Click the Save button.

10. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for each instance for which you want to pre-submit attendance.

11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for each student for whom you want to pre-submit attendance.

Once you have completed these steps, teachers will be able to see the pre-submitted attendance status for the student during the date/section/course for which you pre-submitted attendance. They will not be able to override your submission, but they will be able to submit attendance for other students as normal.

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