SchoolFront Support


Asset Management

Manage the Distribution & Tracking of School Assets (Property)

SchoolFront allows you to manage the distribution and tracking of school property such as computers, text books, and any other item lent by the school to students, staff, and family members.

Asset Management in SchoolFront will allow you to:

  • Create an individual record in the system for each article of school property you wish to track.
  • Categorize school property. For example you could have a category called "iPads," and another called "PCs," and others called "Baseball Uniforms," and "Textbooks."
  • Sub-categorized property within Asset Categories using Asset Category Tags. For Example, in the category "iPads," you might have these tags: 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, A5, A5X, Wifi Only, and Wifi + Cellular.

  • Track the status of all property. For example "assigned, available, unavailable, and retired."
  • Track who possesses property at all times, when it was assigned, and when it is due back.
  • Track the condition of property. For example "new, excellent, good, poor, badly damaged, destroyed."

Applicable System Roles

System users with the following roles can do this:

  • Administrator Only

Step-by-Step Instructions

To use asset (property) management functionality in SchoolFront: