SchoolFront Support


Analyze Score Data

Analyze Compiled Test Score Data in Stored SchoolFront

Once student scores are added to the system, the data is available for analysis and reporting purposes.

Applicable System Roles

  • Administrator Only

Different Approaches to Data Analysis

There are different ways you can analyze and draw valuable conclusions from student score data:

Use Grid Controls to Sort, Filter, and View Data and / or Export to ExcelTM

From the Student Test Scores page you can use data grid controls to sort and filter the grid as needed and to create saved reusable views which will allow you to quickly sort and filter the grid to find the information you need whenever you need to with a single click.

From the grid you can also very easily export all student assessment scores and data to ExcelTM for further processing using spreadsheet capabilities.

Check out this information about using Test Score Grid Views to improve the way you peruse scores in the grid.

Use SchoolFront Reports to Graphically Analyze Score Data

You can use special SchoolFront Test Score Reports to visually analyze score data.