SchoolFront Support


Aggregate Marking Period Submission

Submit Grades for an Aggregate (Summary) Marking Period Report Card

The report card grades for an aggregate or summary marking period are calculated using the grades from multiple sub-marking periods.

If you are trying to submit report card grades for a standard marking period--a marking period whose report card grades are calculated independent of the grades of any other marking periods--you are in the wrong section of the Help right now. Go to the Standard Marking Period Grade Submission section instead.

Preparing Grades for Summary / Aggregate Marking Period Report Cards

The generation of aggregate (eg. year end final, semester-end) report cards for a school requires the aggregation of marking period student grades as well as mid-term test scores from many different classes, managed by many different teachers. The coordination of report card generation can be a real challenge, so SchoolFront has functionality to make the process simpler for everyone.

At the conclusion of each marking period teachers are given a specific period of time to ready grades for report cards. During this period, teachers must review student grades, make tweaks to final grades, and add comments to grades where appropriate. 

It is critical that teachers complete their grade preparation activities within the time period specified so that report cards can be sent out according to schedule. This job aid is designed to help teachers learn the process. After you do it once, you likely won’t need the job aid again.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Configure Summary Marking Period Report Card Grade Calculation for Your Courses
  2. Prepare, Lock, & Submit Sub-Marking Period Grades
  3. Prepare, Lock, & Submit Summary / Aggregate Marking Period Grades